November 8, 2010


So I have become obsessed with this whole blogging thing.. Why?! I have no freaking clue..
But I'm sitting here determining what makes my blog pretty, or unique?

Oh  & How I get followers.. Iv become obsessed with making my blog all pretty perfect.. for my 4 follows.. All who I can name.. and ALL my fellow Ft. Benning Wives.

Which by the way, I ventured out and went to an FRG event last week (I'm proud of my self) I was all about it, then forgot about it, then realized it's a MUST..
Even for our BCT Drill Sgt husband's units..
Our FRG is amazing.. And the wives that are apart of it rock. ( I must say one wife in particular she knows who she is.. Shes a follower!

AWESOME IDEA about Santa's Castle. She's brilliant, and I can't wait to be apart of such a great opportunity, so glad she got me back into the FRG spirit. I have to get used to it sooner or later, we won't be at Ft. Benning with a non-deployable unit for much longer.


  1. Did I mention I was one of the 4 followers? AND WHY AND HOW?!
    Gosh I am lame. simply sweetly said.

  2. Hello. I am your newest follower.
    Please feel free to check out my blog

  3. How much longer do you guys have here?

  4. It's up in the air, we have like two different times. Looks like 2 more cycles, then hell go to the S shop. (Supposedly tomorrow well be hearing if we go to Carson). But I'm not expecting anything.

  5. I am so thankful that you are back in the FRG ... you're my sanity :)


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